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International Conference on Eurasian Economies 2013


The International Conference on Eurasian Economies aims at bringing together academicians and decision makers involved in research about Eurasian countries in a forum to discuss current and future economic and social issues of the region.This year's conference will be held in St. Petersburg, Sep 17-18, 2013.

Submission of papers is encouraged with respect to the following topics:

  • Economic integration, regional cooperation and economic associations under globalization and international trade.
  • Political economy and international relations.
  • Sustainable growth and development with special emphasis on immigration, poverty, social security, health economics and corruption.
  • Transition economics with special attention to privatization, economic freedom, entrepreneurship, competition and institutional structure.
  • Finance, global financial crisis, role of central banks in economic policy, banking structures and development of capital markets.
  • Energy, natural resources and environmental economics.
  • Tourism sector and its growth prospects.

Deadline for Submission of Full Papers : 31 May 2013

Submitted papers as well as presentations and discussions at the conference can be conducted in English, Turkish or Russian. Each paper must be accompanied by an English title and an English abstract.

Abstracts in English as well as the papers must be submitted directly to the conference website at http://www.eecon.info.

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