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Карта сайта Поиск по сайту Версия на английском языке

MA and PhD Scholarships at Central European University


Central European University is an English-language, graduate university located in Budapest, Hungary. CEU offers master’s and doctoral programs in the social sciences, humanities, law, public policy, business management, economics, environmental sciences and policy, and mathematics. CEU is committed to attracting talented students and scholars from around the world, and provides over € 27 million in scholarships and fellowships each year. Applicants from any country are eligible to apply. The University is accredited in the United States and Hungary.

Please visit the official site http://www.ceu.hu/admissions/2013-2014 .

The International Masters in Economy, State and Society (IMESS)
Японский язык. Обучение в Японии, Токио
Консалтинговое агентство «Кампус». Высшее образование за рубежом

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