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International Conference on Energy, Economy and Ecology E3, Turkey


You are invited to participate in the 1st International Conference on Energy, Economy and Ecology (E3 2013). Çankaya University, Şırnak University, the Institute of Strategic Thinking (SDE), and the Center for Energy and Value Issues (CEVI) are pleased to organize E3 2013 to be held in Ankara, Turkey during May 22-23-24, 2013 . Paper Submission Deadline: Apr 12, 2013.

The conference is motivated by the increasing need to combine ideas and research findings from different disciplines to enhance our understanding of the interactions among energy, economy and ecology. E3 2013 will provide a forum for the exchange of latest scientific and technical information, for the presentation of new developments and for the debate and shaping of future directions and priorities in these fields.

Conference will focus on:

  • What all disciplines have to offer with respect to understanding energy problems;
  • Possible solutions that are available;
  • The implications of ecological concerns;
  • The incentives to encourage renewable energy development;
  • The understanding and application of economics across all facets of energy development and use, including theory, business, public policy and ecological considerations.

The topics will include, but are not limited to:

  • Energy
  • Energy and Economy
  • Energy and Ecology
  • Renewable Energy
  • Scientific and Technological Aspects of Energy

For further information please visit the conference site >> .

Conference E3 2013 welcomes all researchers, academics, and interested colleagues regardless of discipline or country. Participants may organize sessions, present papers, participate in poster sessions, chair sessions, discuss papers, or simply observe. The conference also encourages papers and posters submitted by graduate students.

The International Masters in Economy, State and Society (IMESS)
Японский язык. Обучение в Японии, Токио
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