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XIV Conference on International Economics, Spain


The Spanish Association of International Economics and Finance (AEEFI) and the Department of Applied Economics of the University of the Balearic Islands, organize the XIV Conference on International Economics , to be held in Palma (Mallorca) on June 27th and 28th, 2013.

The Conference is open to the participation of researchers in all topics within International Economics. To highlight a few:

  • International Trade and General Equilibrium
  • Firms in International Trade and Investment
  • Migration
  • International Monetary Economics
  • International Finance
  • Economic Integration
  • Tourism Economics

Papers submitted for presentation at the Conference should be original and unpublished. The papers should be uploaded, in PDF format and before March 1st, 2013, through the web page http://www.uibcongres.org/congresos/ficha.en.html?cc=278.

The papers submitted will be refereed by the Scientific Committee, and decisions will be reported not later than April 1st, 2013.

Deadline for participant registration: Jun 10, 2013

URL for further information http://www.uibcongres.org/congresos/ficha.en.html?cc=278

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