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Incoming Scholarships From Visegrad Fund


The In-Coming Scholarships scheme is suit­able for schol­ars who wish to study at accred­ited pub­lic or pri­vate uni­ver­si­ties or insti­tutes of the respec­tive national acad­e­mies of sci­ences in the Visegrad Group (V4) coun­tries (i.e., the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland or Slovakia). Citizens of the fol­low­ing coun­tries and ter­ri­to­ries are eli­gi­ble to apply (please note that the high­lighted coun­tries fall within a sub­pro­gram title Scholarships for the Eastern Partnership —the rules are identical):

Successful appli­cants within this scheme will receive schol­ar­ships of 2,300/semester and the cor­re­spond­ing host universities/institutes receive €1,500/semester/scholar. Scholars who will have to travel to the host insti­tu­tion more than 1,500 km are also eli­gi­ble for one-time Travel Grant.

Deadline for all schol­ar­ship appli­ca­tions is at 12:00 p.m. (noon) on January 31 each year. Results are announced by mid-May.

For further information please visit http://visegradfund.org/scholarships/incoming/

The International Masters in Economy, State and Society (IMESS)
Японский язык. Обучение в Японии, Токио
Консалтинговое агентство «Кампус». Высшее образование за рубежом

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