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Flexibility, Innovation and Adding Value as Drivers of Global Competitiveness: Private and Public Sector Challenges


Submissions are invited for the "Enterprise Development Strategies in the Global Economy" track of the Twenty Second Annual World Business Congress.

Please send your abstract (Work-in-Progress, not to be published) or full paper (to be published in the Congress Proceedings) to Dr. Erdal Atukeren (atukeren@kof.ethz.ch) or Dr. Anand Krishnamoorthy (akrishnamoorthy@troy.edu) with a cc to Dr. Talha D. Harcar (tdh13@psu@edu) by March 31, 2013.

Please see www.imda.cc for further information.

The International Masters in Economy, State and Society (IMESS)
Японский язык. Обучение в Японии, Токио
Консалтинговое агентство «Кампус». Высшее образование за рубежом

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